Wash water recovery system


Wash&refueling containment pad


Product description

The ESEP wash water recovery system and wash & refueling containment pad are specially designed portable systems for the washing and refueling of vehicles. The solutions are lightweight, modular and portable. In addition, they are made from durable and strong materials which give it a long life expectancy.


The wash water recovery system is made from durable HDPE. This system has no moving parts, and uses no electricity. The installation is liquid tight and chemically resistant, and can be installed above ground. Furtermore, the size of the surface is scalable to fit any project.


The wash & refueling containment pad is made from a durable high-strength composite material, which is 10 times lighter than concrete and 10 times stronger. This makes that the pad is compliant with a traffic load of up to class E, 600 kN, while still being light weight and portable. Moreover, the durable material gives the system a life expectancy of 30-70 years and a low CO2 footprint compared to steel and concrete systems. The system is resistant to chemicals and extreme weather conditions, has and integrated drainage system and requires no maintenance.


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