Petrochemisch – Oplossing

Water treatment before depositing on municipal sewers or water recycling is a typical issue within the petrochemical industry. After all, there is a lawful obligation to place an oil separator in accordance with the European standard NEN-EN 858.


Whenever waste water has to be deposited into the surface water special arrangements can be included on the separators, for instance using a coalescence filter to increase the efficiency of the separation. In case the situation asks for it, our products, sensors and alarm systems are certified for explosive atmospheres according to the Ex directives.


ESEP has extensive experience with systems for water treatment or recycling. Because of this we can calculate the right capacity on the basis of the applied installation. This is done in accordance with European standard NEN-EN 858, which means it will pass the requirements when tested by the authorities. Furthermore, our separators can be equipped with an HDPE protective lining which guarantees a high durability and liquid tightness.


Drainage and control of (waste) water by using drain gutters and pumping installations are also possible.


The ESEP systems are characterized by their smart methods, which result in the right balance between performance, footprint and investment.


Feel free to contact us for more information and advice.

Related products

Coalescencing separators
Pumping installations
Alarm systems

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Pumping installations are used when (waste) water has to be drained or

OilSET1000 product photo

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released into the water flow. A coalescing filter should be applied when effluent is deposited on surface water or a higher efficiency is wanted.

led to an elevated terrain or piping system.

and grease separators. The thickness of the oil-, petrol- and/or grease layer is detected by the LED’s equipped to the electronic unit.

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